Aulia Fadhli : Good morning ladies and gentlemen, with me again Aulia Fadhli in our great show “Not for eyes” (clap…clap…clap..) Thank you3x… Actually, many people want to be famous, so our theme for today is “many ways to become famous”…. And for sure, we have invited two famous people who have become popular in their own way…. Let’s give big applause for our guest star Briptu Norman and Gayus Tambunan..
Norman : Hello mr.Aulia, nice to meet you…
Gayus : Hi mr.Aulia….
Aulia Fadhli : Thanks for coming to my show today mr.Gayus and mr.Norman…
Please, have a seat… well, how are you guys??
Norman : I’m very well, thanks…
Gayus : I’m fine, thanks…
Aulia Fadhli : First, I want to ask mr.Norman… mr.Norman how do you fell become very famous??
Norman : Actually, I never thought about becoming famous before, because my video in you tube just unexpected so I am a little bit nervous and confused about becoming famous…
Aulia Fadhli : So you never thought you would become famous?
Norman : No, never… because I made that video just to amuse my friend…
Aulia Fadhli : You’re really good friend mr.Norman. Because of your kindness now you become really famous… and thanks to your friend...
Norman : Yeah, you’re right!! Thanks to my friend if he was not sad at that time I wouldn’t make that video…
Aulia Fadhli : Thanks mr.Norman, now let’s start with mr.Gayus the man who could go vacation to Bali after he was arrested in the police office ……
what do you think of this issue mr.Gayus??
Gayus : Well, I went to Bali because I was really bored in jail and after I paid the officer I could go to Bali..
Aulia Fadhli : And I heard that you went to Bali because you wanted to watch a Tennis match, are you really interested in Tennis mr.Gayus??
Gayus : Actually, I’m not really interested in Tennis, but at that time I heard that the Tennis player was so beautiful… So I decided to watch her, if I don’t make mistake her name is Maria Saraphova…. Is it right?
Aulia Fadhli : Yes, you’re right… so, you watched tennis match just because the player is beautiful?
Gayus : yes, of course…
Aulia Fadhli : And what do you think about the journalist who take your photo?
Gayus : Actually, I really thanks to him because of him, now I become more famous than before…
Aulia Fadhli : Ok, now the question for both of you..
Do you want make another sensation to become more famous than now?
Norman : Let me first, actually I want to make a movie with Bollywood star to make me become more famous than now..
Aulia Fadhli : With who mr.Norman?
Norman : Of course with mr.Syahrukhan because he is my favorite actor.
Aulia Fadhli : That’s cool mr.Norman… And what about you mr.Gayus, do you want to make another sensation?
Gayus : Oh yes, now I will go to Sikuai Island to take a vacation there, because too many journalist in Bali so I think Sikuai is safer than Bali.
Aulia Fadhli : Nice plan mr.Gayus I will not tell anyone that you want to go to Sikuai Island.
Gayus : Thanks mr.Aulia…
Aulia Fadhli : You’re welcome… ok… well, thanks for mr.Gayus, mr.Norman for your time and thanks to audience for attention…. that’s all for today, see you with different guest star next week… God blest you all…. Bye…..
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Rabu, 15 Mei 2019
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